
My poem, Story, was just published by Slant—a Journal of Contemporary Poetry. here is the poem:


I read the last page
more than once
delaying for a time
the final closure —

when the book finds
a place on my shelves —
just another trophy.
So much pleasure

and no sequel.
Who doesn’t love
a good story — who doesn’t
love the storyteller

whose ancestors
kept the spirits away
from the fire
by spinning a web of creation?

I tell stories
thinly disguised as poems
about people and places
I might have known once.

Listen, I say,
here’s one
about my errant granny
who went missing

one weekday afternoon
while hunting for seeded rye.
We mobilized the neighborhood,
except for my dad

who whispered “good riddance”
under his breath.
We found her in Louie’s
sipping scotch,

mesmerizing the regulars
with tales of an old
country, she had never
actually lived in.

Tell me a story please,
with timing and plot
and people so real
I can even believe they’re dancing.

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Foggy Day

I’ve a poem in the May issue of Pennsylvania’s Poetic Voices. Here is the poem:


I drove through Penns Valley
in the thick of an early morning fog
like a chess master
playing blindfolded.

You see, I’d forgotten
how to sleep
and been nowhere at all
since the virus blew through.

Now I could only hope
my long history
with this winding road
would do, instead of sight.

Truth is,
I was nowhere
still. But perhaps instinct
makes the man.

After twenty minutes the fog
suddenly lifted—as if someone
had taken the cloth from my birdcage—
like an unexpected smile.

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Give Them All to Me

I have a poem in the new issue of MacQueens Quinterly. Here is the poem:

Give Them All to Me

But if somehow you could pack up your sorrows…

—Richard and Mimi Fariña*

It was the year of chili dogs
and reheated beans
at the encampment
under the interstate—
between the smoldering forest fire
and the sad little carnival
in the supermarket parking lot.

The year of departed parents,
of locust and gypsy moths,
of tearful love songs
picked on a guitar
held together by tape,
with voice and harmony
hollow with sorrow.

The year of counting coins,
bottles, and cans,
and playing on corners
for dimes and quarters.
Dinners warmed over Sterno
and nickel bags
in the alley beside the liquor store.

The year of sitting handcuffed
in the back
of a patrol car—
broken teeth chattering—
gigantic shadows
in the blossoming light
of cities burning.

The year I helped you carry
our brother home.
Cares and all,
he was less of a burden
than starlight.
That year he finally slept
through the night.

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Young Again

Up at Pennsylvania’s Poetic Voices


The storm that blew through
left a sea of debris,
and air so clear
even the pigeons

I trace
the path of today’s sun,
dawn to dusk,
kick my weekend’s work
down the cellar stairs
and declare a personal holiday.

I have a simple approach—
lounge chair, cooler, chips,
although I spend some time
finding the perfect spot
for my chair.
I will have a purpose—free day.

Like a day at the beach—
no need for justification
in triplicate.
Nah, just sand and sea
a few cold beers
and franks with mustard and kraut.

Surely you remember—
back before the busyness
grabbed you by the short hairs
and deadlines kicked
you in the keister.
I was a kid once—weren’t you?

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Having Grown Apart

my poem, Having Grown Apart, is in Issue 3 of Cool Beans. Here is the poem:

Now that I need not
wake for work
I rise at first light,

tired but present.
It is my time
for contemplation,

although my frivolous thoughts
might make the Buddha
chuckle. Sometimes

I think of you.
How close we were
and how the distance

has grown past reconciliation.
Would you even recognize
me now without prompting?

I’ve thought of writing to you.
I imagine you
still in your childhood home

anxiously opening the envelope,
worried it might be bad news.
I’ve tried, halfheartedly, but find

I have few words to share—
unsettling for someone
who made his way with words.

But, there is a slowing here—
I fear I won’t conquer
the world after all.

Have you?
I don’t suppose so.
Another class graduated

this week—so many plans,
so much horizon,
hourglass be damned.

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my poem, Tripping, is in the Winter Issue of the Bond Street Review. Here is the poem:


Three stringed guitar
and a cowboy hat for change,
you made your way
up and down

the New England coast
singing for sustenance.
You coulda been
a fine baritone.

had you not liked
the high life more.
Striding the sun-tinged
clouds at the white

water’s edge—
no one
walked with you,
fearing the things

you saw when the tide
came in might
them whole.

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Pleased to have my poem up at the Lothlorien Poetry Journal. Here is the poem:



I searched the town

and finally found her 

at that ramshackle café.


with the tin roof

next to the boarded-up

train station.


It was teeming—

the rainy season just begun

and how anyone could stand


that racket was beyond

my ken—

but she sat at a counter


in the corner of the shack

muttering prompts 

into her cardboard 


coffee cup.

She looked like hell—

all resemblance 


to that lithe Greek goddess

drained by a million poets

complaining of writer’s block.


I thought to comfort her

and grab that cup,

but muses are fast as


lightning bolts. 

She fled through the roof

leaving her cup of golden


prompts—written in a Greek

so old only Zeus

could decipher it.

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My poem, Reunion, is up at the Red Eft Review. Here is the poem:

Reunion by Steve Deutsch

Mom and Dad
loved lupine,
but couldn’t control it.

Year after year, they’d plant
the finest seeds
in the finest soil

but it bloomed where it would.
My brother left
home the day

after his sixteenth birthday.
I hear from him now
and again—chicken scratch

on the back of a postcard
or a long-distance call
from some place

in the California desert
where lupines are native.
Perhaps he is harvesting

some to bring home—
a handsome gift
for a nurturing couple.

The lupines come up
whenever they will
wherever they will

and my brother
just called
from someplace new.

In a better world the lupine
Would grow where they plant it
and my brother would walk in the door.

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Long Time Gone

Just published in Issue 7 of Livina Press. Here is the poem:

My Poem, Long Time Gone, was just published in Issue 7 of Livina Press. Here is the poem:

Long Time Gone

I always leave one lawn chair
out to overwinter
hoping for a day or two
I might bundle up

and sit in a sliver
of sunshine.
Today as I watch the blue-
black clouds

move in from the west,
I rock gently in my chair
as if putting a garden
or baby to bed

were much the same.
The snow will be heavy
today—an official end
to the gardening season.

Isn’t nature clever that way
burying the remains of the seasons
so thoroughly, we are left
only with memory and a vague hope.

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Echo Point

here is my poem from Pennsylvania’s Poetic Voices:


I came here often as a kid.
We would climb the hill

whenever we liked.
The hike today had all

the spontaneity of an antarctic trek.
Wool socks and water,

a carefully prepared snack,
four kinds of sunscreen,

and half hour updates

Yet my new hiking boots
left blisters that may never heal.

My high-top sneaks
never did that.

Three of the four of us
made it to the top.

The fourth waits halfway
a lump on a log.

We didn’t come for the view—
the echo here the best in the state.

First the standard “hallo”
but it quickly gets crazy.

The three of us screeching
and flapping our arms

just like too many years ago
just as if we were eight.

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